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At HMRDO, we spearhead research that drives advancements in Human Metabolic Reprogram and Dysregulation (HMR/D) and public health. Our peer-reviewed scientific publications stand as pivotal contributions, reflecting our commitment to precision and integrity in addressing metabolic disorders. By sharing our discoveries, we actively contribute to global scientific knowledge and initiatives aimed at enhancing understanding and treatment of HMR/D. Explore our publications to stay informed about the latest breakthroughs in HMR/D research. Join us as we continue to redefine the frontiers of scientific exploration in pursuit of improving health outcomes.
HMR/D (A S Naidu)
Releasing Soon
Publisher: Bio-Rep Media
The HMR/D Volume-I elaborates critical phases involved in the emergence, gradual progression, and chronic manifestation of PASC, the ongoing viral pandemic-induced ‘new-onset’ metabolic syndrome
worldwide. This volume describes the pathophysiology of PASC from initiation of the ‘novel’ SARS-CoV-2 infection with primordial hijacking of host cellular metabolic machinery, subsequent progression of viral-
induced HMR/D in a susceptible human host, subjecting the patient through a crucial tri-phasic symptomatic clinical spectrum of COVID-19. Viral-induced HMR/D impairs our body’s redox balance and energy metabolism, which in turn affects heart (cardiovascular), brain (neuro-cognitive), and skeleto-muscular (physical activity) functions. HMR/D has significantly compromised human fertility, as well as reduced human life expectancy worldwide.
REDOX Life (A S Naidu)
ISBN: 978-0-9824451-1-2
Publication Date: August 2013
Number of Pages: 534
Publisher: Bio-Rep Media
REDOX Life is the most comprehensive reference volume on the field of redox science to date. This book will take you on a visual journey over five chapters that unfold the impact and implications of redox on human health and medicine. REDOX Life is an authoritative work that elucidates fundamental redox principles in chemistry and biology, uncovers the role of redox interventions in medicine, and captures the interplay between good health and redox-supportive nutrients. This book cites the work of over 150 Nobel Laureates and explains the impact of over 1500 scientific publications on the evolution of life under the influence of REDOX.
Bio-Replenishment for Bone Health (A S Naidu)
ISBN: 978-0982445105
Publication Date: August 2009
Number of Pages: 247
Publisher: Bio-Rep Media
Bio-Replenishment for Bone Health is a preamble to the Bio-Replenishment Theory and a comprehensive view of the most happening system in the human body the skeleton. This “science simplified” reference volume takes you on a colorful and illustrated journey through seven chapters that elucidate the key functions, metabolic demands, and dysfunctional states involving the bone. It also highlights established and emerging research, as well as the cumulative effects of genetics, chemistry, and lifestyle on the skeletal system. Complete with 247 pages of authoritative text, illustrations, charts and tables.
Lactoferrin: Natural • Multifunctional • Antimicrobial (A S Naidu)
ISBN: 0-8493-0909-3
Publication Date: June 2000
Number of Pages: 184
Publisher: CRC Press
Lactoferrin: Natural - Multifunctional - Antimicrobial presents scientific basis on use of this naturally occurring milk protein as an effective food antimicrobial intervention. This text book provides in-depth information on potential applications of lactoferrin in food safety. This volume details microbial blocking technology to protect foods from harmful micro-organisms. Naidu discovered that lactoferrin, when activated, works as a potent antimicrobial intervention to prevent bacterial adhesion. Lactoferrin protects food by removing harmful bacteria from biological surfaces.
Natural Food Antimicrobial Systems (A S Naidu)
ISBN: 0-8493-2047-X
Publication Date: June 2000
Number of Pages: 818
Publisher: CRC Press
Natural Food Antimicrobial Systems elucidates on advances in food safety technologies using natural compounds. Numerous antimicrobial agents exist in animals and plants, where they have evolved as defense mechanisms. For example, the antimicrobial components of milk, egg, and phytochemicals, have been unraveled in recent years. This volume explains molecular mechanisms of several natural compounds (i.e. lactoferrin, lysozyme, and plant phenolics) and their use as multifunctional food additives providing a wide range of benefits including antioxidative, immuno-modulatory, and prebiotic effects.
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